July 25, 2013

Community and Technological Camp (CommTECH) HIGHLIGHT 2013

Following the success of Community and Technological Camp (CommTECH) Highlight 2012, ITS International Office is holding the event once more this year.
CommTECH HIGHLIGHT 2013 is an opportunity for university students, academics, and professionals from all over the world to learn about community and global issues through a variety of fun activities.  It will take place in various places around Surabaya, Indonesia on 26 August – 3 September 2013.

Microsoft Access & Paskal

After we got excel, then we got Microsoft Access introduction. How to make a database, entering data, how to make a form, make a report, and so on.
Actually i want to tell you more, but the problem is, in that time i forgot to copy my work to my disk because at that time i didn't have a notebook yet, and i ended up using the computer in the laboratory in my department. So i will give you some works which my friends did. But it's only few things, not all of them.
Here it is
Latihan Microsoft Access

Then we got paskal. The most difficult one i think (so do some of my friends *haha*).

July 24, 2013

ITS International Office Essay Competition 2013

ITS International Office Essay Competition 2013 is a place for Students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and Employees to write down ideas and dreams as a part of ITS to welcome ASEAN Economic Community 2015. Specially for this year of 2013 the theme of the essay will be "Preparing ITS for Asean Economic Community (AEC) 2015" you can apply your essay until Oct 16th 2013 at ITS International Office. The winner of this competition will get a chance to do study tour to Singapore and for the favorite essay will be given Rp 500.000,-

July 23, 2013

Microsoft Excel

After we got Introduction of Computer, we got Microsoft Excel. Here's some things were given by my lecturer, Adatul Mukaromah S.Si, M.Si:

I add view tasks that were given to me. I forget if they are correct or not, but well maybe you can check it for me :D

From my point of view, you don't have to remember all the formulas that are exist in excel you just have to know what's the use of that formula. The important thing of learning excel is, follow the step that are given and sometimes please use help if you can not understand. Think simple, learning by practice, good luck!

Feel free to download, leave a comment please. Thank You!

Computer, Hardware, Software, and Brainware

In the first meeting of Pengantar Ilmu Komputer (PIK) my lecturer (Adatul Mukarromah S.Si, M.Si) told us the introduction of Computer and its Hardware, Software, and also Brainware. She also reminded us about binary numbers. How to use '1' and '0'. I kinda forget about that (T^T).

Here's the file, reference about Computer, Hardware, Software, and Brain-ware that is left at my disk.
Click to Download

Feel free to download, leave a comment please. Thank you!

Reference of Biology

Here's what I used as a reference that time (in the first semester)
  1. Ecology Ecology (Ekologi)
  2. Photosynthesis Photosynthesis (Fotosintesis)
  3. Introduction to Animals Introduction to Animals
Feel free to download, leave a comment please. Thank you!

July 22, 2013

Understanding Evolution - Survival of the Sneakiest (Crickets)

It was my biology assignment when i was in the first semester. I knew that my lecturer was actually copy this on internet, because i found the answer and question  right away *haha* well, back then i just did the same. Sorry for the writer. I will try to write down the source of reference next time when i copy from internet.
If you got the same assignment please use it as you please. Enjoy!

Survival of the Sneakiest
by the Understanding Evolution team
"Survival of the fittest" means that the strong succeed, and the weak fail, right? Well, often that's how it's portrayed, but the real story is a bit trickier. Let's take a closer look at what the crickets do...

Discussion questions

  1. When it comes to crickets, what does fitness mean?

  2. Is calling good or bad for a cricket's fitness?

  3. Give some examples of selection at work in this cricket story.

  4. How does selection favor calling? How does selection favor not calling?

This is my report. Click please.
or you can see this image below.
Feel free to download, leave a comment please. Thank you!

Mulai Lagi

Dear Readers,

Hi there, my name is Mutiara Lasahido and starting now i want to re-blog :)
Delete all my past post because it's very embarrassing ><
Actually, there's so many things i want to tell you, so please support me !

Thank you,

Mutiara Lasahido