October 31, 2013

Joint Working Group Indonesia-France 2013, Starting Point of Collaboration between Indonesia and Napoleon’s Homeland

Written by me >.<
 Surabaya (10-11/10). Government of Indonesia and France held Joint Working Group Indonesia-France 2013 this year. On October 10th and 11th 2013, it was the fifth.

This year, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) was selected by Directorate General of Higher Education Republic of Indonesia (DIKTI) to collaborate with L'Institut Francais d'Indonesie (IFI) and Planning Bureau of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia (BPKLN) to be the host of this event. About 59 France Institutions and 80 delegations from Indonesian Universities and 10 delegations from Indonesian vocational school participated in this event. 

October 30, 2013


Pengertian Troubleshooting

Penyelesaian sebuah masalah pada komputer:
Pencarian sumber masalah secara sistematis sehingga masalah dapat diselesaikan
Proses penghilangan penyebab masalah

October 22, 2013

Sistem Operasi

Sistem Operasi
21 Oktober 2013

OS (Operating System) merupakan merupakan program yang mengatur eksekusi program dan bertindak sebagai interface antara aplikasi dan perangkat keras.
Tujuan sistem operasi untuk kemudahan, efisiesi, dan kemampuan untuk berkembang.

October 14, 2013

Modul 1: Statistics Descriptive

In the first modul we have to find a data, other person's data (Secondary Data) to make a statistics descriptive of it. We describe the data so that people who don't learn about statistics, can understand what the data gives as information.
Statistics Descriptive that we have  to find including Mean, Maximum and Minimum value, Median, and Variance.
Mean is a measure of central tendency of data that show the value that represents the data.
Maximum and Minimum value is largest and smallest values ​​of the whole data.
Median is the central point of data. So, from variety values of the data  the central point of it from maximum value to the minimum value is the median.
Variance is variation or diversity of multiple measurements of an object of observation.
The data that I used is Produksi Sampah dan Pengaruhnya di Berbagai Desa di Kabupaten Nagan Raya
and then my tentative modul
finally, my final modul
after we report the final modul, we have to present it in front of Teaching Assistants
here is my presentation file

Feel free to download, leave a comment first. Thank you!

All About "Modul" of PMS

Introduction to Statistical Method (Pengantar Metode Statistika) or as we commonly say PMS, is the very important subject that we have to learn to become a statistician. That's why statistics student have this subject in the very first semester. PMS taught us about the basic of statistics. All of the subjects that we are going to learn as a statistics student based on this subject so it is necessary to overcome, to master, to fully understand of PMS.
Beside learning the theory we also have a practicum about it. After we do practice, we have to make a report of it. And there are specific criteria and requirements to make the report that usually called "modul".
Before we start to do practice and make a modul of it. Here is the material of our practicum for a semester and also the template/format of the modul.

Material for Practicum

Format Modul

Demand, Supply, Equilibrium, and Elasticity

My assignment of Introduction to Economy subject is to present about Demand, Supply, Equilibrium, and Elasticity beside that, we have to make questions of it.

Demand is the amount of goods or services you want and able to be purchased by the consumer, at various price levels and at any given time.

Supply is the number of items offered by sellers in a particular market, at a certain period, and at a certain price level.

Equilibrium is a point of agreement between demand and supply. In the event of price volatility and the amount / balance is excess demand or supply in the market mechanism will push back the price equilibrium (balance can be new or original balance)

Elasticity is used to measure the extent to which the magnitude of the response or sensitivity of the dependent variable if there is a change in a particular independent variable

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

My first assignment of PKn subject when i was in the first semester was to make a paper about "Pancasila as an Open Ideology of Indonesia". If you have the same assignment or maybe you want to know about it you can download the doc version HERE

My second assignment was to make a paper about "Local Autonomy and Governance in Aceh".
If you have the same assignment or maybe you want to know about it you can download the doc version HERE

and for the final test, we have to learn about some laws.
UU No. 39 Th 1999 ttg Hak Asasi Manusia
UU_32_2004_Pemerintahan Daerah

Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak

A. Pengertian Perangkat Lunak
Sekumpulan instruksi dan data yang tersimpan dan dijalankan oleh komputer. Komputer tidak dapat melakukan apa‐apa tanpa instruksi.

October 6, 2013

Perkembangan Perangkat Keras (Hardware)

Komponen komputer yang sifatnya bisa dilihat dan diraba oleh manusia secara langsung atau yang berbentuk nyata.
Berdasarkan fungsinya, perangkat keras dapat dibedakan menjadi 5 sebagai berikut.

October 2, 2013

Data dan Informasi

Data (datum) berarti fakta atau bahan-bahan keterangan.
Data elektronik disusun untuk diolah dalam bentuk struktur data, file, dan basis data.

Informasi berarti data yang telah diolah menjadi bentuk yang dapat dipahami sebagai bahan pengambilan keputusan.
Proses pengolahan data Input(data) à Proses à Output (informasi)